The Dailies Video Review
Private Speaker Video Feedback
The Director's Cut is the version of a movie that represents the Director's final edit for a film -- in this case, it's like you are hiring Mike to provide a Director's Notes for where he'd start if he was your Keynote Director. You can then take these notes and run with them to create the next version your talk; or hire Mike to work directly with you via a few virtual sessions; and if you are ready to create your breakout performance -- hire Mike as your Keynote Director for private

You don't want to be just another speaker...
You want to be the one they can't stop speaking about.


Complete your purchase on this page

You'll get an email with details on how to reserve your review on Mike's production schedule (you won't be on a call at that time, it's just to hold Mike's schedule)

Review will be returned to you within 7 business days of the time you schedule

You'll receive a private video link to your video review where Mike and your video appear on screen together so you can see "real time" notes and ideas

You'll receive a full transcript of the video review

You 'll receive a Director's Note document with key recommendations from the video review

Feel free to DM me before booking to see if this session is a good fit for you. There are no refunds.

** This offer includes all of the above mentioned things. If you are looking to work directly with Mike via Zoom or in person, then this is not the right offer for you. Reach out via DM or email to learn more about private coaching options.

  • Total payment
  • 1xDirector's Cut: Speaker Video Review$1500

All prices in USD

Contact information

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Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Hi, I'm Mike

I'm a former actor, writer, and director who helps people create signature speeches that get audiences on their feet. I've been an Executive Producer at TEDxCambridge and worked with companies like Disney, Netflix, and Adobe to help them shine in the spotlight.

Mike Ganino

Erin King
Keynote Speaker + Author

"Mike should have charged me twice as much because the impact he ignited in my business has been invaluable!"

Amy S. Griggs

"My presentations are more interesting, more thoughtful, more visually impressive, and leave a lasting impression"

Clevonne M. Jacobs
Founder, Pharos Consulting

"Mike gave me the confidence to speak my truth and share my story to deliver a talk I loved and that moved the audience"